Monday, February 12, 2007

The Old Man vs. Jesus Christ

Ernest Heming uses many reflections of the bible in his book, The Old Man and the Sea. A significant reflection is the way he uses the Old Man to represent Jesus Christ. Jesus caried his cross up the hill and stumbled many times just as the Old Man fell many times while carying his mast to his boat. Both characters suffered greatly before takeing on their burden that was not really a fair charge.

I like The Old Man and the Sea because of the perseverence and willingness the old man had.


Jacob said...

They are so many allusions in the old man and the sea to Jesus it is so not even funny!!!

Jacob said...

I like the old man because he rock!!

Heat Seeker said...

Finally someone who agrees with my veiw of Santiago! Go Bro!As I've stated I like santiago's spirit as well. His determination is something I admire in anyone.


Bethy said...

He is cool! Other than the fact that he suffered, why do you think he is like Jesus?

Jacob said...

He sure knows how to bear sufering

Anonymous said...

I like his stubborness

But don't you think it is kind of extreem

Anonymous said...

The old man is kind of crazy.(Well, at least in my opinion.)I mean who thinks that we are brothers of birds and fish?

Jacob said...

The old man v.s. Jesus christ. O.K
Jesus would soOOOOO!!! win.